School News
Check out some of the awesome costumes that made it to last Friday night's Fall dance. Shout out to Ms. Misiak and Ms. Harrison for face painting.
Echa un vistazo a algunos de nuestros increíbles disfraces que aparecieron en el baile de otoño el viernes. ¡Gracia a la Sra. Misiak y a la Sra. Harrison por pintarse la cara!
Art Club had an absolute blast on October 6th at the First Friday Art Walk on Santa Fe Street! We weaved in and out of galleries all along the arts district, chatted with some local artists along the way, and even got to take our very own print home from Threyda Gallery. This was our 9th year returning to the Art Walk and it never fails to impress. Anyone and EVERYONE is welcome to join Art Club! We meet every Thursday from 4:30-5:30 in Studio 4, and Mr. Finamore has a few more awesome trips planned for the (very) near future!
¡El Club de Arte se divirtió muchísimo Octubre 6 en la caminata del Arte de Santa Fe! Entramos y salimos de galerías a lo largo del distrito artístico, charlamos con algunos artistas locales en el camino e incluso pudimos llevarnos a casa nuestra propia impresión de la Galería Threyda. Este fue el noveno año que regresamos a la caminata del Arte y nos impresiono al ver el Arte. ¡Cualquiera y TODOS son bienvenidos a unirse al Club de Arte! Nos reunimos todos los jueves de 4:30 a 5:30 en Studio 4, y el Sr. Finamore tiene algunos viajes increíbles planeados para un futuro (muy) cercano!
Did you already sign up for the Adams 14 Second Annual Soccer World Cup?
Registration for players, volunteers and sponsors opened on Friday, July 14, 2023, and will close on Sunday, Sept. 10, 2023, at midnight. The games will be played during the weekend of May 4-5, 2024. Click here to sign up!
The Adams 14 Second Annual Soccer World Cup is open to student players of all ages in PK-12, as well as to parents, employees, and alumni.
For questions and/or comments about the Adams 14 Second Annual Soccer World Cup, please contact Mario Márquez at or 281-235-5203.
Get ready for the 2023 Homecoming Parade and events!
We are preparing for our Homecoming festivities, and we hope you’ll join us in the
celebration. Let’s show our Adams 14 and Eagle Pride!
The annual homecoming parade is the first of many events on Saturday, September
9th, 2023. The parade will begin at 9:00 am, starting at 64th and Olive and will end at
ACHS. The celebration will then continue at the high school with a barbecue and car show! We want it to be a fun-filled community event.
Here is a complete list of ACHS Homecoming activities:
Friday, September 8th, 2023
Juniors VS Seniors Powderpuff Game: 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm @ ACHS Football Field
Saturday, September 9th, 2023
Participants in parade line up will begin at 8:00 am 64th and Olive
Homecoming Parade: 09:00 am @ 64th and Olive St. to ACHS
Homecoming Barbecue: 10:00 a.m @ outside D wing/ACHS Bus Loop
Car Show - after parade during BBQ in the staff parking lot
Homecoming Football Game: 2:00 p.m ACHS vs Skyview High
School Homecoming Dance: 7:00 p.m @ ACHS Small Gym
Please consider participating in the parade. If you are interested in getting involved,
complete the parade entry form and return it to Andrew LaCrue at ACHS
We are pleased to announce that Adams 14 has defeated the Colorado State Board of Education's attempt to reorganize the district.
Click the link to read the full story:
Nos complace anunciar que Adams 14 ha derrotado el intento de la Junta de Educación del Estado de Colorado de reorganizar el distrito.
Haga clic en el enlace para leer la historia completa: